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Monday, May 28, 2012

Fried Chicken Sausage

How about some sausage for Dinner?? Yes we are gradually putting sausage- predominantly chicken- to our diet with an Indian style. Here I introduce Chicken sausage with an Indian touch. I used the one with garlic flavor. This recipe goes well with rice or any Indian breads.

To Marinate:
Chicken sausage: 5 links
Chilly powder(preferably kashmiri chilly powder)

To Saute:
Garlic: 2 pods (finely chopped)
Ginger: small piece (finely chopped)
Onion (Medium): 2 (finely chopped)
Chicken Masala: 1.5 tsp

 Defrost the Chicken sausage. Split the sausage lengthwise in to four portion and then slice it. Marinate with turmeric, chilly powder and salt for half an hour

Fried Chicken Sausage

Take a sauce pan and add the marinated sausage. Add little water and close it with a lid for about 3 mins. Open the lid and let the water evaporates. After the water is evaporated, sprinkle 1tsp of cooking oil. Shallow fry the sausage. Remove the fried sausage and keep aside

Fried Chicken Sausage

In the same pan add 1 tsp of cooking oil and fry the finely chopped garlic, ginger and some curry leaves. Then add onion and fry till golden brown. You can add some salt to caramelize the onion. Now u can add chicken masala and saute for some more time. Add the fried sausage, mix well and close the pan with a lid. After 3-4 mins open the lid. Once the sausage and onions are dark brown remove from fire.

Awaiting your comments..


1 comment:

  1. superb !!! so i will share this with my mom :)

    really cool :)
