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Monday, June 25, 2012

Pazham Pori

Pazham Pori

Pazham Pori is the favourite snack of keralites. It is ripe banana (nenthrapazham) dipped in Maida and then fried in Oil. Pazham pori is all time favourites of my hus :)..He just love this snack. It's also a very tasty, fast and easy to make.

Pazham Pori

Ripe Banana: 1 large
Maida/All Purpose flour: 3/4 cup
Rice flour: 3 tbsp (Optional)
Milk:  2 tsp
Turmeric: One pinch
Sugar : 2 tsp
Salt: one pinch
Crushed cardamom: 2 pods
Baking powder: One pinch (Optional)
Oil for frying

Peel the banana and cut in to two. Take one portion and cut into thin pieces lengthwise
Mix all other ingredients with water(except oil) to make a smooth batter of medium consistency.(Take care not to bring any lumps)
Pour oil in to a pan and heat it
Dip the banana pieces in the batter and shallow fry it
Fry the banana till it turns crispy and golden brown

Pazham Pori

Enjoy with a cup of tea or coffee...

Awaiting your comments


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