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Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Ela Ada

Ela Ada
Ingredients :

Roasted Rice flour : 2 cup
Boiling Water : 2 cups approximately
Grated Coconut : 1 cup
Sugar : 1/2 cup
Salt a pinch
Banana Leaves : as required (slightly dried)

Ela Ada

Preparation :
  1. Boil water in a pan, add salt to taste.
  2. Pour the boiled water little by little to the roasted rice flour, using spoon stir and mix well thoroughly until to a smooth dough.
  3. Cover and keep aside for 10 mins.
  4. When the dough is little warm and easier to handle, knead well with your hand into a smooth dough. It should not be too thick or too loose. The consistency should be little looser than the chapatti dough
  5. Make Lemon sized balls.
  6.  Wet your finger and place lemon size dough in the center of the leaf, flatten it with finger.
  7. Mix sugar and grated coconut and spread the filling on it. Fold the banana leaf in half. Tuck the ends of the leaf.
  8. Heat a earthern pot /manchatti or tawa. when it is hot, place the ada and roast them on both side at medium flame till the banana leaves turns brown and charred little. when ada starts to detaches from the leaf. Remove from the fire...

Serve hot with cup of tea/coffee and Enjoy!

Awaiting your comments

Tuna Ularthiyathu

Tuna Ularthiyathu

Canned Tuna
Oil - 1 or 2 table spoons
Mustard seeds
Curry leaves
Onions finely chopped - 1 large
Ginger - Garlic paste  - 1 tea spoon or crush 2 cloves of garlic  and a small piece of ginger
Green chili chopped - 1(optional)
Salt to taste
Red chili powder - 1/2 tea spoon
Coriander powder - 3/4 tea spoon
Turmeric powder - 1/4 tea spoon
Garam masala - 1/2 tea spoon 

Tuna Ularthiyathu

  1. Open the lid of the canned Tuna around and drain the water from the can as much as possible.
  2. Heat oil in a non stick pan and splutter some mustard seeds.
  3. Add curry leaves and fry for 30 seconds.
  4. Slide in chopped onions and saute till it turns brown for like 7-8 minutes.
  5. Add ginger and garlic, fry for a minute and add the powders and mix well. 
  6. Stir in the Tuna from the can and combine everything well.
  7. Saute the mix for nearly 10 minutes, until it is done and dry and brown.
  8. Sprinkle some water in between, for it to prevent from sticking to the bottom.

Serve warm as a side dish..

Awaiting your comments

Aval Payasam

Aval Payasam

Ingredients :

Beaten rice flakes /Aval: 3/4 cup (Thick variety )
Milk: 1 ltr
Sugar: 1/2 cup (Increase or decrease according to your sweet level)
Ghee: 3 tbsp
Saffron: 1-2 strand
(Mix saffron strand in warm milk and keep it aside.)
Cardamom Powder: 1/4tsp (optional)
Cashew nut /Raisins (optional) (fried in ghee)

Aval Payasam

Method of Preparation :

  1. Wash the aval well under running water, drain the water completely and place it over a kitchen towel / tissue. (Note: Do it real quickly, if the aval absorbs too much water, they become soggy.)
  2. In a heavy bottomed vessel add the milk and bring to boil.
  3. In pan heat the ghee and saute the cleaned aval and cook till they become dry and flaky.
  4. When milk comes to boil, add the fried aval and stir well, reduce the flame and allow the rice flake to cook in the milk for about 15-20 minutes till the milk has reduced in volume to about half.
  5. Add sugar and mix well till the payasam thickens.
  6. Add the cardamom powder and saffron milk and milk well.
  7. Optional - Fry cashews & raisins in ghee and add to payasam
  8. Wait for 10-20 minutes for the payasam to get homogenized and attain room temperature.

Aval Payasam

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